Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why no Facebook?

Ramai tanye, kenape aku takde facebook dah? dulu bukan main lagi rancak, aktif, ligat kat facebook, hari-hari ade je wallpost baru, lepas tu ade je komen-komen yang menarik budak-budak bagi dekat aku. Aku suke facebook, dan aku tau ramai yang deactivate facebook pun suka jugak facebook tu, but for some reasons, we decided to deactivate our accounts.

Why? setiap orang ade alasan, tujuan masing-masing. aku pun ade la sebab kenapa aku deactivate si muka buku tu. tapi sebelum tu aku nak bagitau generally kenapa aku gunakan facebook.

1. tempat melepaskan stress.

Best bila kite stress, kite tulis je ape-ape dekat wall, tu mmg cara yangg baik tuk lepaskan geram. Sebab kite marah, dan orang lain nmpak kite marah. virtually la tapinya. Yela, tak kan la nak pergi Sunway Piramid then jerit kat tengah-tengah tu, berani la pulak kan? so buat la dalam facebook, orang nmpak, kite tak segan.

2. group

Kalau tengok sekarang, one of the main features kite gune kat facebook is the group system tu. Senang, contoh kalau kite buat group tuk kelas kita, then ape je discussion, kite boleh buat dekat facebook. Homework, assigment, tanya pasal timetable, class event etc. So takyah dah nak membazir kredit nk hantar sms, and takyah dah nak segan-segan mintak no telefon classmates yang kuat perasan tu kan?

3. photo gallery.

facebook sekarang ade one of the greatest photo gallery interface. laju, senang, kemas, cntik. Boleh nak upload and download normally or in HQ. Tagging features pun ade, tu yang jadi kegilaan budak zaman sekarang. Drag and drop feature, albums feature, album cover dan lain-lain. and lagipun sekarang online storage mmg boleh cakap jauh lagi selamat la berbanding letak dalam laptop yg bila-bila masa boleh kena curik, masuk virus tak pun jatuh pecah, so facebook dah jadi tempat budak-budak simpan gambar. Free lagipun.


Ni la sebab kenapa facebook naik. sebab social network yang lain takde wall. Tak payah nak pergi check profile sorang-sorang (macam Myspace) tengok ape dyorang tgh buat. Dekat wall ni ape yg sume org cakap, buat, gambar baru, generally sume nampak lah. sangat convenient. nak stalk orang pun senang ye dak?

SO generally tu la the main reason kenapa aku suka facebook, dan aku pasti budak-budak lain pun suka facebook sebab tu. So kenapa wahai shamim aizat, anda men-deactive-kan facebook anda?

sebab dekat facebook ni kawan-kawan dinilai dengan titik dan huruf. faham? aha, dah agak memang tak faham punye. k, bagi contoh senang.

Ali cakap kat Rani : jom pergi makan?

Ali cakap kat Rose: jom pergi makan...?

basically, its the same right? it got a fucking same meaning right? and ali never meant to treat rani lebih pun. just letak beberape titik, ikut mood maybe. kang bagi komen sama dekat semua orang, orang cakap robot pulak.

BUT for Rani and Rose, that couple of titiks makes A LOT of difference. Rani akan terase kenapa Ali lg manje ngn Rose ni. Rani akan merajok, Rani akan jeles, Rani akan assume macam-macam. After that Rani akan compare-kan sume wall post Ali bg dekat Rani dengan ape yang Ali bagi dekat Rose. my point is, facebook dah jadi tempat perbandingan kasih sayang antara kawan. sume dah anggap titik-titik, smiley, tanda seru tu sebagai alat perbandingan kasih sayang antara kawan dan kekasih.

Contoh lain. ade makwe atau pakwe? kalau ade boleh la anda try benda ni. pergi dekat wall makwe pakwe anda, tulis 'assalamualaikum :)' then pergi ke wall kawan anda yang berlainan jantina then tulis 'haii :) :)' then tunggu dan lihat. penggunaan hai dan assalamulaikum pun boleh jadi topik tu gado tau dekat facebook tau tak? si dia akan tanya kenapa u bg salam kt i, u ckp hai kat dia? u syg dia? kenapa u lagi manje dgn dia and so on..

so sesudah titik-titik dan hai salam pun boleh jadi topik gado, ape lagi? ade laggiii, pabila setiap komen korang akan disoal, setiap kawan-kawan korang akan di stalk, setiap budak-budak yang like wall post korang akan diragui, setiap gambar baru yang korang letak akan disoal 'kenapa letak gambar tu?' my point is facebook buat korang tak percaya akan each other. research shows tht rate of clashing, and even divorcing are increasing because of facebook. @_@ im not blaming facebook, i admit tht facebook is the most powerful social networking site ever existed to date. (unless google come out with something awesome, then it will be another story la). i love the interface, how it connect us as friends, the ease of access and much more. but i got to admit, that this system really effect do effect our real life in some ways. bad ways.

So pabila kepercayaan seseorang yang kita sayang tu dinilai melalui facebook, saat tu la aku tutup si muka buku ni. aku tak cakap benda ni berlaku pada semua orang, pada yang bahagia bersama melalui facebook, aku tumpang gembira, tak ramai weh boleh macam tu, congrats aku ucapkan. dan kepada yang dapat masalah gunakan facebook, korang fikir la, mane lagi penting, facebook ke pasangan? facebook ke kawan-kawan? it's all up to you.

so aku cerite-cerite ni, sume ni jadi dekat aku ke? pernah, dulu. dan aku tak nak tu semua berulang balik, so aku amik langkah awal la kiranye ni, aku tak nak semua tu jadi balik, kang last last aku jugak yang menyesal. adios~

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


dalam minggu lepas (kalau tak silap), aku ada baca blog sorang 'kawan aku ni'. Membaca blog dia ni buat aku nk komen la kt latest post dia, dalam post tu aku bagi la nasihat. cakap pasal cara pemakaian, sbb tengok pada blog dia ni, asyik post pasal dressing, cara bergaul, solat etc. tp dah dalam beberapa bulan aku kenal dia ni, klw tgk dia keluar kemain ketat lg pakai, dada tu takleh nak jelas lagi nampak, pastu kalau keluar dengan lelaki, siap boleh high 5 lagi, cubit-cubit lg. tp dalam blog, asyik cakap pasal jgn sentuh-sentuh, meluat tgk budak-budak pegang tangan la. dalam blog si dia ni, walaupun blog berunsur keagamaan, tp banyak menyindir specific people. kalau umum aku boleh terima lg. So after going through her blog, aku pun komen la. saje nk tgk reaksi minah ni kat komen aku, sedap kondem orang, cube kalau dia yang kena balik. :P

so aku komen la. so dalam komen aku tu, aku cakap la perempuan yang memakai pakaian yang menampakkan susuk tubuhnya aka pakaian yang ketat-ketat, samalah seperti lelaki yang memakai seluar yg anunya jelas tertonjol, meaning lelaki yg tengah 'tegang'. ni bukan aku buat ayat ni, aku amik dari blog sorang abang uia yang dulu aku pernah baca, interesting sbb tu aku ingat kot.

So first reaksi minah ni sgt la positif, aku pun terkejut. dengan nada yang baik, sopan santun dia menjawap, yg dia pun tgh cube brubah, siap ade smiley lg, ckp thanks lg. waa sejuk jgk la hati aku baca. respek jgk la kn. tapi, lepas tu, malam tu kot, aku tengok ada entry baru dekat blog dia, aku pun bukak la. Uish, boleh pulak dia bg link tuk aku baca, sume post-post lama dia yg baik-baik. punya la nk tunjuk kat aku yang dia tu baik. haha wahai cik, aku bukan nk bce blog ko psal ko baik, blog tak melambangkan ko baik ke tak pun. time tu aku dah gelak-gelak dah, dah nmpak yang dia tak boleh dinasihati, macam kawan-kawan dia cakap kat aku. dah jelas yang dia tak puas hati aku bg nasihat tu kat dia. pastu benda lg best jd.

ade la dalam 3 post lg, cakap psal aku. kutuk2 aku. haha time ni mmg aku gelak je. dia cakap aku HENTAM dia kat blog dia. time mula-mula dulu pnye la cakap trima kasih sbb nasihat and bla bla bla, skrang mengamuk macam hape. :D dia cakap aku hendap dia la ape la, wahai cik, yang hendap ko tu bukan aku, tp kawan aku. shes blogwalking through me blog link. so kat traffic ko tu mmg tulis la through my blog link. sigh. takde masa aku nk hendap ko, maybe lepas ni ye kot, sbb nak tengok reaksi ko lepas baca ni :D.

And wahai cik, jangan la segan nk ngaku ko tu yg dulu semangat stalk profile fb aku gune akaun org lain kan2? haha aku dah tau semua cerita pasal ko la, memang lawak. ko memang penipu besar la. sekarang aku tau kenapa la kawan-kawan ko tinggalkn ko. baik la ko brubah, tu je aku nak cakap. ape yg ko tulis kat blog, kat facebook tu sume dusta la. ko tulis yang ko mcam ramai kawan, yang sebenarnye ko takde kawan. i think you know that too. blog ko tak melambangkan diri ko pun. and aku tak kesah ko nk ktuk-ktuk orang lain, tp tlong la, kalau nak ktuk tapi ko pun buat jgk. ko cakap psal nk brubah, tp lagi teruk ada.

haha sorry la, actually dah lama nak tulis ni, tp my account kena hack, again. sigh. yahoo!, ko multi billion dollar pnye company, nk retrieve password pun 5 hari? double sigh. pape pun aku baru balik bercuti. and to those yang rasa aku sdeh pasal blog post aku dlu tu, aku takde la sdih mane. just benda aku nak share. Adios~

Monday, May 23, 2011

Formatting Windows 7 for DUMMIES

There’s been a rumors’ saying that windows 8 may be out next year. So I checked for the leaked version on Torrent sites and there you go, it’s there. But not much really, nothing new, at least for the leaked one. Few changes here and there but that is it. The startup is pretty damn fast by the way. They say that the windows 8 is using hybrid boot, I don't know what does that mean, but its fast. So just wait for the full version to come out, can’t wait to see what Microsoft got to offer in their latest installment.

So I have been formatting computers for years now (been doing it for free). I just love anything about computer, the software, the hardware. Sometimes I wonder what in hell did i do medicine? haha, I don’t know, I know I love both so I have no regret.

Straight to the point, today im going to show you guys how to format a computer, using Windows 7 OS. U will be needing your computer, attached to a power supply (wajib), and a windows 7 DVD installer (I don’t think the VCD version even existed for windows 7, are there any?)

*all the pictures had been taken from a website called as I don’t want to waste time capturing all the screenshots as the pictures bersepah kat internet. I just want to highlight all the important points in formatting a computer as most of us here are using the pirated version of the windows*

First, put the Windows 7 DVD into the DVD drive on your computer. Dont do anything yet if there are any autorun appear. Just turn off the computer. And make sure to put all the importants files such as ur assigments, girlfriends pictures or maybe your porn collections on your other drive (drive D).

While the PC is rebooting, you will be prompted ” Press any key to boot from CD…” Just press any key here

Install Windows 7 - Press any key

Install Windows 7 - Press any key

After you press a key, windows will load installation files.

Install Windows 7 - Windows is loading files

Install Windows 7 - Windows is loading files

Windows 7 setup will start

Install Windows 7 - Starting Windows Setup

Install Windows 7 - Starting Windows Setup

Select your language, time and currency format and keyboard input (US)

Install Windows 7 - First Setup Screen, input language, time and currency format and keyboard input method

Install Windows 7 - First Setup Screen, input language, time and currency format and keyboard input method

Click Install Now to proceed

Install Windows 7 - Install Now Screen

Install Windows 7 - Install Now Screen

Setup will load for a min or two

Install Windows 7 - Setup is starting

Install Windows 7 - Setup is starting

If you do, select I accept the license terms and click Next

Install Windows 7 - License Terms

Install Windows 7 - License Terms

If you are upgrading from Windows Vista select Upgrade, but as most of us are using the pirated version of Vista and Windows 7, so just click custom.

Install Windows 7 - Custom Install

Install Windows 7 - Custom Install

Select the Partition where you want to install Windows 7 and click Next. You will need at least 5716mb free space. In other words, just click the partition 1 (Drive C:)

Install Windows 7 - Where do you want to install windows

Install Windows 7 - Where do you want to install windows

If you don’t have enough free space to Install Windows 7, you will receive the following warning

Install Windows 7 - Not enough disk space warning message will appear

Install Windows 7 - Not enough disk space warning message will appear

If that’s the case, you will need to format the partition where you previously had Operating System installed. WARNING: Formatting a partition will erase all existing data on the partition, like i said, put your files somewhere save as i know you most of you guys din't use the windows backup features.

If you want to format the partition, go to Drive options

Install Windows 7 - Drive Options

Install Windows 7 - Drive Options

click format and then yes

Install Windows 7 - Format Windows 7 Install Partition

Install Windows 7 - Format Windows 7 Install Partition

After you press Next, Windows 7 Installation will begin. Approximately takes about 30 min to 1 hour to finish, depending on your computer speed.

Install Windows 7 - Setup running

Install Windows 7 - Setup running

After half an hour, setup is complete and windows 7 installation is almost finished. Few more minutes

Install Windows 7 - Setup Complete

Install Windows 7 - Setup Complete

Now your computer will reboot, since the Windows 7 DVD boot disk is still in the drive, the message press any key to boot from DVD will appear. We already did that, so this time DO NOT press anything. Just wait 5 sec and your PC will continue booting and finish installing your operating system.

Install Windows 7 - Setup Restarts

Install Windows 7 - Setup Restarts

Install Windows 7 - Dont press anything this time

Install Windows 7 - Dont press anything this time

Windows will continue booting and installing, almost there!

Install Windows 7 - Windows starts to load

Install Windows 7 - Windows starts to load

Install Windows 7 - and loads and loads

Install Windows 7 - loading...

Install Windows 7 - Completing Installation

Install Windows 7 - Completing Installation

Install Windows 7 - Setup is preparing your computer for first use

Install Windows 7 - Setup is preparing your computer for first use

And there you go,

Insert your name (this will be your windows username)

Install Windows 7 - Type a username

Install Windows 7 - Type a username

If you want to, insert password for your computer

Install Windows 7 - Type a password

Install Windows 7 - Type a password


Install Windows 7 - Type your windows product key

Install Windows 7 - Type your windows product key

PRESS 'ASK ME LATER'Install Windows 7 - Use Recommended Settings

Install Windows 7 - ASK ME LATER

It’s time for Time zone, select yours from the drop down menu

Install Windows 7 - Review your time and date settings

Install Windows 7 - Review your time and date settings

Depending on your location, select the appropriate network location.

Install Windows 7 - Computer location select network

Install Windows 7 - Computer location select network


Install Windows 7 - Type homegroup password

Install Windows 7 - Homegroud

Windows is finalizing your settings

Install Windows 7 - Windows is finalizing your settings

Install Windows 7 - Windows is finalizing your settings

Can you see the finish line ? Yup, we’re there

Install Windows 7 - Welcome screen

Install Windows 7 - Welcome screen

After finishing the installation, there is still one thing left to do if u are using the pirated version. you must TURN OFF THE AUTOMATIC UPDATES. you will see a white flag at the bottom right of the screen. click on it, and click OPEN ACTION CENTER. And then at the left portion of the pop out menu, you will notice a windows update option, click on it. Click on CHANGE SETTINGS. Then UNTICK ALL, And at the Drop off menu pick NEVER CHECK FOR UPDATES.

So there you go. Easy isn't? and you just save your rm50 formatting you laptop of computer at some money-sucking computer service center. they are also using the pirated version of the windows just so you know. Just buy the Windows 7 Dvd for rm10 at any software shop, and you can use it over and over again. And if u want to use the original version, that is better. the installation is the same, but just let the updates turned on. :)

Notes:: lain kali bagi aku format laptop tu sampai habis. jangan separuh jalan dah cakap ok da boleh buat la ape la. then dapat black screen, salahkan aku jugak. sigh. dah suruh tutup automatik updates, tak jugak tutup-tutup.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Failing, badly.

I never even think that I am smart. For me, I’m a dumb fool that know nothing when it come to study. In my primary school, I NEVER did my homework properly. I never hafal all those sifir pun. But when it comes to exam, I exceed others. I got 5 A's in UPSR, I got 7 A's in PMR and 11 A's in SPM. smart huh? I don't know, maybe god want to help me, rezeki. I’m glad that I always got great result in my exams.

With great result come great opportunity, I succeeded the Petronas interview, they offer me the scholarship as the petroleum engineer student in UTP. And I got the offer by UIA as an engineer student. Then MARA offers me to be a medical student, which will be flying to UK (supposedly). So these are few of the offers I got. So yeah, as a student at that time, I felt really comfortable. Felt like I’m at top of the world, beating all other students with all the offers I got.

So I choose MARA, of course la because of the opportunity to go overseas. But I have to pass the A-level first. But wth, should be easy, it just math, bio, chem and physic. But honestly speaking, it is easy. but for some fuckingly-stupid reason, I failed it, badly. And from there, the 'interesting story started'.

Failing A-level is not like failing any ordinary exam. Failing A-level is much worse than u think, u just wasted 2 years for nothing. Your straight A's Spm results mean nothing as SPM is only valid for 2 years (sigh). And u got almost nowhere to go. Most of the IPTA won’t accept A-levels result. So the only choice u got are the IPTS. Best huh? (Clashing, gf cheating, fighting, disappointed mother are also included in this package)

The best part is, I’m the first one that got the placement at UK for the UK students. Failing A-level not only cause me to lose that placement, but also the India one. I got the chance to go to Egypt, but I refuse, because my mom had to pay rm18,000 for the first year, because MARA will only sponsor after I finish the first year.

So basically, that’s why I am here, in MSU. For certain reasons, I’m glad I’m here. But the failing continues. I got BAD result in my first semester (I just got it). But I expected it. My first semester is filled with troubles, tears, hatred etc. then just now, I heard rumors saying that after I finished my BMS (Bachelor in medical science), I have to start from the first year if I want to continue my study as a MBBS student. I’m fucked up am I. like I said, I’m failing, badly. I got many chances, but I ruined it. So now, I don’t really know what will be my next move. I just hope that whatever it is, it will be the right one.

*again sorry for my bad grammar, im not good at it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Unlocking 'hidden' theme on your Windows 7

I don't really know what to write actually. takkan nak bercakap pasal diri sendiri, mesti bosan.
so few weeks ago, Arif, my ex-roomate asked me 'sham, macam mana nak download wallpaper cantik-cantik?'. Well, actually, ade banyak website yang bagi wallpaper yang cantik-cantik untuk di download. Just do a google search on the image section, it's that simple.

But today im going to teach you guys something simpler. You guys can have tons of cool, nice and high resolution wallpaper on your
windows 7 without doing any downloading. Im referring to the hidden wallpaper here on windows 7. These hidden themes were meant for different regions like Australia, Canada, Great Britain, United States and South Africa. So agak rugi la kan kalau
tak 'unlock'kan, sebab memang dah ade dalam komputer.

So first, open the windows explorer (anything, my computer, my document etc.)

tekan dekat organize, then select folders and search options

Select Show hidden files, folders and drivers and uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended). If prompted with confirmation, click Yes.

Click OK

Browse to the following folder:

(just copy and paste this on the search box = C:\Windows\Globalization)

There are five folders in the name with format MCT-XX (where XX is AU, CA, GB, US, or ZA) which represents globalization settings for each region. Go into the folder that you want to activate its theme.

Open the Theme folder inside the selected region folder

Double click on the XX.theme file to apply the theme to the Windows 7 desktop system. Bila dah double click, that theme will automatically being saved to 'My Themes' (my themes tu yang you guys right click, then personalisation. )

So there you go, about 20 free wallpapers for your computer. hope this helps. Adios :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

1. Babble

So this is my first blog post. for two days i left this blog all by itself (poor blog) without any post. I really don't know what to tell, i'm not good at telling people story actually, and i don't even know what in the hell did i made this blog in the first place. ( @__@ ). Ouh and anyway, my English is poor, so sorry for the bad grammar, and feel free to correct it if you find any mistake in my sentences (which i know there are A LOT of it)

So now im at my home, it's been about 2 months since my last time being here. A LOT had happen in these 2 months. I'm not supposed to be here, i don't even had the money to come home actually. Let just say that my family need me, that's why i'm here, and thanks to someone, i am able to be where i am now, thank you so much.

This is my first post so i'm not going to babble further more, i'm just glad that i'm home, being with my family, hugging my lil' sis, chatting with my mom and seeing my grandma smile. i'm gonna enjoy my weekend, and i hope you guys will do the same. adios~